Thursday, February 3, 2011

To "Like" or Not to "Like"

Learning to navigate Facebook and other social media sites sometimes leaves us a little apprehensive when we aren't exactly sure of the implications of our actions.  Clicking the "Like" button is one of those actions that cause many of us to pause, asking ourselves, "What will happen if I click it and how will it affect my online presence?" It's a good question and one that should be understood.
A  "Like" button can be associated with 1.) a piece of content that 's been posted on Facebook, or 2.) on a Page, in an advertisement, or on content off of Facebook.   I went to Facebook to help unravel the mystery behind the two.

To "Like" A Piece of Content

Clicking "Like" under content you or a friend posts on Facebook is an easy way to let someone know that you enjoy it, without leaving a comment and it is noted beneath the item. For example, if you click a Like link beneath a friend's video:
  • It'll be noted beneath the video that you liked it
  • A post will appear on your Wall that you liked your friend's video.
  • Your friend will get a notification that you liked his or her video

To "Like" a Page, in an Advertisement, or on Content Off of Facebook

When you click "Like" on a Page, in an advertisement, or on content off of Facebook, you are making a connection.
  • The connection will be displayed in your profile and on your Wall and your friends may see in their News Feed a post about the connection.
  • Your "Like" may be displayed on the Page you connected to, in advertisements about that Page, or in social plugins next to the content you like.
  • The Page may also post content which will appear in your News Feed or send you messages.


You can unlike a piece of content or a Page on Facebook.
  • To unlike a piece of content that you or a friend has posted, just click the "Unlike" link that appears beneath the content itself.
  • To unlike a Page (which will also remove it from your profile), go directly to the Page and click the "Unlike" link in the lower left-hand column.

Remember, you have control!  You can unlike content, manage your connections on your profile, and restrict who you share your connections with in your privacy settings.

Hope this helps you in managing your online presence!

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